FORMACION CARAPITA EN EL SUBSUELO Terciario (Oligoceno-Mioceno) Sumario realizado por Marco Odehnal, 1997 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: Este sumario fué realizado por nuestro querido e inolvidable colega, compañero de trabajo y amigo Marco Odehnal a petición del Dr. Wolfgang Scherer para el Código Estratigráfico de Venezuela Referencia original: H. D. Hedberg, 1937-a, p.2004. Localidad tipo: Quebrada Carapita, tributaria del rio Querecual, entre 2 y 5 km, al norte de Santa Inés, Distrito Libertador, Estado Anzoátegui. Descripción litológica: En el subsuelo, la Formación Carapita consiste casi exclusivamente de lutitas de color gris oscuro a negro, macizas, a menudo lustrosas, en general calcáreas y con un alto contenido de foraminíferos. Fósiles: Las lutitas de Ia Formación Carapita contienen una rica fauna de for...
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The Carapita Formation at eastern Venezuela DR. R, M. Stainforth IV Venezuelan Geological Congress, 1969 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: https:// At this pioneer paper, Dr. Stainforth discussed all the attempts to apply the benthic foraminifera to the biostratigraphic zonation of the Carapita Formation. All studies made up to that moment had been unsuccessful. At this bioestratigraphical investigation, that started in 1953, Dr. Stainforth demonstrated that the distribution of benthic faunules was controlled mainly by factors ecological, but that the planktonic zonation, then in use in Trinidad Island, was applicable to the Carapita Formation at eastern Venezuela. In the following years, more detailed studies on planktonic foraminifera were made by G. M. Sowers, J. A. Sulek, and J. L. Lamb, and it was shown that the refined zones introduced in the island of Tr...
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BIOGRAPHY VIRGIL WINKLER: PIONEER OF OUR COUNTRY Winkler Family in memory of “the stone warrior” the “living encyclopedia”, the father and grandfather, who greatly marked our lives You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: https:// This is the biography of Dr. Winkler written by his family, plenty of memories and photos that describe the humanity of an extraordinary person, brilliant and exceptional professional, professor, tutor, mentor, colleague and the most incredible friend that you can imagine. Dr. Winkler was the benefactor and patron for many years of the geology library of the School of Geology and Mines of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Every time that Dr. Winkler bought a book or publication from the different Scientific Societies, he ordered two uniits, one for his personal use and, one for the School of Geology and Mines library; it is for this reason that...
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R. M. STAINFORTH: HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE STRATIGRAPHY IN VENEZUELA Marianto Castro You can download complete PDF version with all list of papers at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF con la lista de todas sus publicaciones en: https:// Summary Robert Masterman Stainforth (known usually as R.M. Stainforth or Charles) has born in October 5, 1915 in Kingston-upon-Hull in East Yorkshire , England, he studied at the Royal School of Mines in London where he obtained his degree in geology at the young age of 23, and immediately crossed to America to begin his brilliant career working for Trinidad Leaseholds Limited in Pointe-à-Pierre , island of Trinidad, which was then a British colony. He was married to Anne Stainforth and they have two children. Dr, Stainforth was a micropaleontologist and stratigrapher best known for his innovative work on the application o...
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LATE CRETACEOUS PALYNOLOGICAL ASSEMBLAGES FROM EL FURRIAL AREA WELLS Armando Fasola e Iraida Paredes de Ramos You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: https:// Abstract P arti a l results of a geo lo g i c a l study carried out in th e Maturfn Su b - b as in are presented. Emphasis i s m ade on th e formational n ome nc l at ur e, si nce ( fr o m th e bio stra ti g ra phi c point of v i ew ) it ha s been confirmed that th e ages determined in s ub s u r face cores, do n o t co rre spo nd w ith th ose es t ab li s hed for the formations in o ut cro p s. The palynological st ud i es c arr i e d out on we ll samples from El Furrial field ha v e s hown the pre se nc e of a L a t e Campanian to Early M aast rich ti a n seq uen ce with terrestrial a nd marine asse mbl ages containing pollen , spo r es and dino fl age ll ates. Towards th e top, th e seque nc e conta in s paleos...