GUÁCHARO CAVE, CARIPE, MONAGAS STATE, VENEZUELA: A SHORT GUIDE TO GEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL EXCURSION CUEVA DEL GUÁCHARO, CARIPE, ESTADO MONAGAS, VENEZUELA: BREVE GUÍA DE EXCURSIÓN GEOLÓGICA E HISTÓRICA Franco Urbani, Caripe, Julio 22, 2006 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: Geology, history and photographic journey inside of the Guácharo Cave. The excursion is complemented by the release of Corpoven S.A. El Guácharo National Park within the cycle of free publications Venezuela Tierra Mágica Geología, historia y travesía fotográfica dentro de la Cueva del Guácharo. La excursión es complementada con la publicación de Corpoven S.A. Parque Nacional El Guácharo dentro del ciclo de publicaciones gratuitas Venezuela Tierra Mágica.
Showing posts from June, 2020
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Algunas Esponjas Fósiles de Venezuela. Descripción de Discoelia winkleri Nueva Especie. (Porífera: Faretronida) del Oligoceno Tardío. Oliver Macsotay & Isabel Olivares 2007. Trabajo publicado en el Boletín del Instituto Oceanográfico de Venezuela, 46 (2): p. 161-173 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: On Friday June 19,2020 Dr. Oliver Macsotay passed away in the city of Valencia, Venezuela. That is why in Geological Notes of Venezuela, we wish to pay him a small tribute through one of his countless and valuable publications of the Venezuelan geology. This study confirms the existence of the genus Discocoelia Fromentel 1861 until the Late Oligocene in the Serranía de Falcón and describes a new species Discocoelia winkleri that was named after our beloved Dr. Virgil Winkler El pasado Viernes 19 de Junio, 2020, falleció en la ciudad de Valencia, Vene...
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Paleoalgas calcáreas fósiles venezolanas de edad Cretáceo, Eoceno y Reciente. Luis de La Cruz, 1993 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: Reporte Interno Lagoven y posteriormente publicado como parte del Cuaderno Lagoven titulado Algas Calcáreas Bentónicas Fósiles, Septiembre 1993
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Palynology and sequence stratigraphy of the Cretaceous of eastern Venezuela J. Helenes and D. Somoza 1999 Cretaceous Research, No. 20, 447–463 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: This paper reports on the stratigraphy and palynological content, particularly dinoflagellates, of Cretaceous strata drilled in an allochthonous thrust block from the Eastern Basin of Venezuela. In the relatively shallow marine environments of deposition commonly indicated in the sections studied, dinoflagellates provide better biostratigraphic resolution than either planktonic foraminifera or calcareous nannofossils. A Palynomorph Marine Index is useful in identifying flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries within these deposits. Cretaceous strata in the subsurface of eastern Venezuela have a maximum thickness of 3658 m and encompass ages ranging from Barremian to Maastrichtian. Se...
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Alejandro de Humboldt, 1799-1 800. El primer geólogo en Venezuela. Alexander von Humboldt, 1 799- 1800. The first geologist in Venezuela Franco Urbani Revista Geográfica Venezolana, Número Especial 2OO5, 267 -281 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: Interesting historical research and compilation work carried out by our dear professor Franco Urbani in 2005 for the Venezuelan Geographic magazine. During his travels to the New World, Alexander de Humboldt visited Venezuela in 1799- 1800. In almost one year of explorations in northern Venezuela, and crossing the Llanos and reaching as south as San Carlos de Rio Negro in the Amazonian, Alexander von Humboldt made observations in almost all the fields of Earth Sciences, like stratigraphy, paleontology, geothermic, hydrocarbon seeps, hydrogeology, environmental geology and speleology. Interesante trabajo de recopilación y d...
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Archipiélago Los Roques e Isla Las Aves, Venezuela. José Méndez Baaamonde Cuadernos Lagoven 1978 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: Dr. Méndez Baamonde has been one of the great researchers and specialist of the Venezuelan islands. This work published in 1978 in Cuadernos Lagoven covers the general characteristics, geology, geography and biology of the Los Roques Archipelago and the Las Aves Island. El Dr. José Méndez Baamonde ha sido uno de los grandes estudiosos de las islas venezolanas. Este trabajo publicado de 1978 en Los Cuadernos Lagoven cubre las características generales, geología, geografía y biología del Archipiélago de Los Roques y de la Isla de Las Aves
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Late Cretaceous Anoxia and Lateral Microfacies Changes in the Tres Esquinas Member, La Luna Formation, Western Venezuela. Parra, M.; Moscardelli, L. and Lorente, M. A. 2003 You can download complete PDF version at / Puedes bajar la versión completa en PDF en: The Tres Esquinas Member represents a significant event at the end of the La Luna Formation sedimentary cycle in the Maracaibo Basin. Abundant benthic foraminifera, trace fossils, low organic-carbon contents, and the occurrence of phosphate and glauconite indicate higher oxygen levels than during deposition of the underlying La Luna Formation.